Do you have a child entering third level education this year or in coming years? Are you prepared for college costs? According to Aviva’s Cost of Education Report just under half of parents (49%) say they have made no financial preparations to meet the cost of putting their children through third level education.
- On average, parents expect to pay out €5,122 a year to send a child to a third level college or university. If the student has to move away from home to go to college, the expected cost is almost double, at €10,125 (that’s over €40,000 for a four year degree per child
- Over a third of families intending to put children through third level education have savings earmarked for this purpose.
When it comes to your child’s future, we understand that you will go to any lengths to secure their education cost needs are met. That is why here at Southeast Financial Services we work with companies like Aviva that can really help you to work towards saving for this key financial outlay. For example Aviva’s Regular Saver allows you to gradually build up the funds necessary to support your children’s third level education. You can save from as little as €100 a month through
Benefits according to Aviva
1. Higher growth potential – your money has the potential to generate higher returns than deposits over the
medium to long-term with access to funds from multi-award winning, world-class fund managers.
2. Choice and flexibility: Two ways to invest:
Pick a ready-made Managed for You fund.
Pick your own funds from our full Managed by You range.
3. Easy access – you have access to your money when you need it with no earlyencashment charges on Regular Saver and Investment Bond Option D4
4)Cost-effective investment options.
5. Online access to check the value of your investments anytime.
Please get in touch with us if you would like to to discuss the above options and more . This information if provided for educational purposes only and all facts and statistics come from the Aviva Cost of Education Report. Please consult your broker for all information