Blog and News

Women and Men think differently about retirement

In a recent survey, outlined in The Journal article , the findings showed a significant difference between how men and women think about retirement The article states “WOMEN ARE FAR less likely to be preparing for their retirement than men, according to new research in Irish pensions. While the gender pay gap is an issue

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Is it ever too late to start a pension?

In the Irish Times this month there is an in depth article outlining why it is never too late to start planning your pension.  Depending on your age there are many different option and sometimes your age might determine that it is not on your mind, however it is always good to have the information

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How can I protect my family if I get sick?

How would I protect my family if I was in an accident? No one likes to think about suffering an accident or a serious illness, or what would happen financially and the negative impact it  could have on your whole life.  You could never suffer an accident, you might be lucky enough to never miss

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Retirement stats worth noting

Some interesting findings from a recent report from Telda, show that those in retirement with a higher income experience a higher quality of life. Three in ten with low income say that a shortage of money prevents them from doing what they want to do, in comparison to one in ten with a high income.

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How good am I with my money?

We are all different when it comes to money, we ask ourselves how can we be better with our finances, how can we afford to live the way we want to but save a little too?  we worry at times, should we be investing in the future or is it something to think about later

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Should I get life insurance if I am renting a home?

In 2016 the property website Daft showed the largest annual increase in rents ever recorded on their website since it’s beginning . There are over 850,000 people in rental accommodation in Ireland, and data has shown that although the majority of renters used to be young people in their twenties now a rise in families

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New website launch Southeast Financial Services

Our new website went live on the 4th of May 2017, we were delighted to partner with WebArt Web Design Gorey on this exciting project. Our aim in re-vamping and giving our old website a brand new look is to enable our site to be more user friendly and give our customers a seamless browsing

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Income on Death

Family Income Benefit:   This is a frequently ignored form of life insurance, even though it offers appropriate cover for many people, and is cheaper than traditional forms of term assurance. A family income benefit policy will pay a monthly income to your loved ones, rather than a lump sum. This is a big selling

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Terms/Convertible Term

Term Assurance Also known as Level Term Cover – this life insurance policy is taken out for a specific term. The main difference between Level term life insurance and Mortgage Protection is that the level of cover does not reduce with term assurance. Example: Tom & Mary have two children under 4. They want to

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Mortgage Protection

Mortgage Protection Most home loans require mandatory life cover. This means if you die during the term of the mortgage, an insurance policy, is payable and repays your mortgage, ensuring you need not worry about the repayments. Premiums depend on age, health status, occupation, smoking habits and can vary from one insurance company to another.

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